“And—hear me out—might that not be such a terrible thing?“ D’accord! Great summary of the problems with the craft beer industry having now reached an apex. I hope in the future the “five guys with some extra money” will find other ways to indulge their egos.

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Thank you, Robert! I hope so, too.

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Just read your article "Everyone Loves to Hate the IPA" on punchdrink.com Not all IPA drinkers are hazy fans. To be brief, GenX'rs are just one segment age group. My beer buddies and I are all 56-60yo. We drink all styles of beer (lager, porters, etc) but the clear, hop forward, with some bitterness, IPA is our "go to" beer. We are def "West Coast IPA Guys." WTS, hazy drinkers are not real IPA drinkers. They'd be happy with a White Claw or a fruity cocktail.... SMFH.

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