Jun 29, 2023Liked by courtney iseman

Another great journey with words and beer. Thank you Courtney. Running a small bottle shop with my partner is an immersive experience that can be all consuming. We have two little kids (aged 2&3) as well, so we are not really doing a ton of daydreaming these days. And! Your writing this week about reconnecting with WHY we do what we do has been a refreshing nudge for us to get that above-it-all perspective and see just what's been flying this shop for the past two years. (I think the answer is a love of curiosity, and creating opportunities to feed curiosity) Thanks again.

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Wow, thanks so much for the very kind words, and for reading, Keith! I really appreciate it. And I can only imagine! Hearing this kind of experience from you is, to me, yet another way to tap into the passion behind folks working in all different corners of this overall industry and community. Love that curiosity drive! Cheers to you, your family, and your shop.

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